Intellectual Output (IO2)

“Job Profile” for the new VET specialists in the field of designing modular houses (JP)
 Duration: 6 months.     Starts at: M7. Ends at: M14
In this output (IO2) two different job profiles (JP) will be created, one for Engineers and one for Technicians/Foremen. The JP will consist of two distinct activities. a) Analysis study. The analysis study will be carried out and will concern the field of designing modular houses in the partner countries. b) Training needs analysis. The purpose is to record the training needs (thematic training areas, learning needs, market trends, participation in training programs in the past, etc.) in the field of designing modular houses. This recording will assist to define the training modules for which will develop training material and will form the backbone of the offered certified training (ECVET) under this project. This process is expected to lead to the interconnection of the offered vocational training with the needs of the labour market since both the subject and the thematic units of the JP will have been filtered by the professionals of the sector and their professional bodies and associations.