Atlantic Technological University (ATU)

Atlantic Technological University (ATU) is one of the largest multi-campus universities in Ireland, serving a diverse group of learners, staff, communities, and organisations from the region and further afield. Atlantic TU has a student population of over 20,000 learners, spanning 600+ academic programmes from pre-degree to doctoral level. It has more than 2200 staff members working at 8 campuses and 8 research centres.
Atlantic Technological University offers a rich combination of academic and research excellence, quality of life and opportunity – all of which can be experienced in the most beautiful part of Ireland. ATU has and will continue to have a proud tradition of industry engagement, through collaborative research and providing courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels that meet employers’ skills requirements. Its collaborative approach ensures the delivery of practice-orientated study, and research that seeks to address the major challenges facing society and the world.
As a northern and western multi-campus technological university, ATU is dedicated to enabling sustainable economic, social, and cultural development; connected to the region and with a mindset that reaches far beyond it.

ATU Connemara is widely known for its courses in Furniture Design and Technology. The campus is based on the Atlantic coast and in the spectacular mountainous region of Connemara and has approximately 250 students. It has been synonymous with the study of furniture design since 1987 and offers B.Sc. honours (Level 8) courses in Furniture Design and Manufacture and Furniture Making and Architectural Woodworking. The campus has a full suite of machinery used in furniture manufacturing including wood processing machines, CNC technology, CAD/CAM systems, finishing systems, laser technology and digital manufacturing. Laboratories and workrooms are designed as highly efficient environments with two fully equipped computer laboratories and excellent internet connectivity throughout the campus.

ATU Connemara has links to major furniture design and manufacturing companies around the globe. A comprehensive work placement programme allows students to avail of opportunities to work with leaders in furniture manufacturing during their studies. It also has a number of links with colleges in Europe and the USA. The campus is an accredited Green Campus and proactively promotes principles of sustainability within its teaching and learning. Their graduates are recognised nationally and internationally for their technical skills and creativity, For the past 10 years, students from ATU Connemara have won the Ireland skills in Cabinetmaking and won Medallions of Excellence at WorldSkills in Leipzip, São Paulo, Abu Dhabi and Kazan.

Recently, ATU Connemara established a project entitled Education and Work-Integrated Learning (eWIL) which supports work-based learning for those wishing to develop skills in digital manufacturing, automation, project management and lean operations.

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